关于我们/ ABOUT US
融洋散热器主营业务融洋散热器、华牌球形氙灯、LED数码管8*4、坤贤机场安全护栏网、99.99%纯锌带,定位婴幼儿婴儿双层口水巾、美容化妆手自动工具,全新现货质量保证、履带式园林割草机,钢锉三角半圆迷你整形什锦锉、嘉腾微动腐蚀试验机、升降真空乳化机SHANG HAI TAISHAN DICORATION CO,.LTD (达达砂_ts-sj_靠门)------------ which is the one professional_靠门pany who can apply_靠门pletely spatial planning for office design, working management, interior design and construction. Our professionals are good at the design for office interior, working management and integrated environmental planning. In order to solve the problem of unfamiliarity for the office decorative items and following work, we also offer the production of_靠门mon and specail office funitur.."欢迎电联!